An MTA F Train saunters across the elevated tracks on McDonald Ave. with its cache of Brooklyn denizens returning from yet another work week in distant Manhattan. At this time of day, the trains ... (more)
What is better then one No 7 train? A double decker No 7! With hundreds of tired commuters on board and many more behind me on the platform waiting to get on this train to go home, these R-188 car... (more)
If you were in New York City in the late 70s and early 80s you may recall the "Train to the Plane." Today the regular subway to Howard Beach accomplishes the same (with a connection to t... (more)
During the sunset of yet another workday, the F train huffs and puffs into Brooklyn's Smith and 9th Station, which at 87', is the tallest on the whole New York City transit system.
Amid plenty of urban clutter and with a piece of Manhattan skyline looming in the background, a No.7 Express train to Flushing, Queens, swings around the curve towards its station stop at Queensbo... (more)
Arriving at Queensboro on a Saturday morning with the Manhattan skyline in the background.
Arriving at Queensboro on a Saturday morning with the Manhattan skyline in the background. You can see the second level below where Manhattan bound trains run.
Departing on a hot afternoon heading to Flushing-Main St, the trains are even more crowded than usual thanks to the Mets playing the Nationals...