The only Rio Grande 100-ton quad hopper that was ever lettered with Southern Pacific “speed lettering” was D&RGW No. 12663, built in May 1982. On January 20, 2013, the car rests in the yard at... (more)
The rear of D&RGW 5382’s westbound train is still in the Continental Divide and Tennessee Pass summit tunnel as the train now begins its 3% decline at Mitchell, Colo. The train will drop almost... (more)
At 8,574-ft. elevation Fraser, Colo. competes with International Falls, Minn. often calling itself the coldest spot in the USA. D&RGW’s eastbound Train 100 has to climb 665-ft. more height as... (more)
Taking it slow.... D&RGW Locomotive #478 slowly eases a late afternoon Silverton Mixed around the horseshoe curve, on the High Line in Rockwood, CO. Her engineer has her doing about 5 mph... (more)
The Silverton. The throaty bark of a D&RGW K-28 Locomotive echos off the nearby hills as she struggles up the 2.5% grade between Hermosa and Rockwood, CO with an early morning Silverton Tra... (more)