Paint Schemes
Album created by member Nathan Richters | Album Views: 1,326,432 | Not
just heritage schemes, not just commemorative schemes - this album is devoted to some of the world's most interesting paint schemes, past or present. |
Exotic +
Album created by member Steel Central | Album Views: 12,182 | | The more selective fan-made subsidiary for the rarest of the rare. | |
Noses Diesels
Album created by member G.F BOREA | Album Views: 54,035 | Aerodynamics or not, ugly or design profiles. |
Album created by member coco13cos | Album Views: 3,492,025 | Over 50.000 of RP's most appreciated and beautiful photos. |
Fresh Paint
Album created by member ollie | Album Views: 224,180 | Fresh from the paint shop. |
America's Finest Railroads
Album created by member partneylr777 | Album Views: 349,576 | An attempt to put the best picture of engines that represent each of America's railroads. When a better picture of an engine/type is found, it will be added. |
Things that were once Canadianized.
Album created by member corvette | Album Views: 16,511 | Now that so many American and South American railways are buying old Canadian locos with the bell above the windshield and details like that, that old fashion is disappearing too fast, and not to mention eco rebuild programs. |
UGLIEST trains contest
Album created by member RP Archives | Album Views: 264,787 | The worst of railroad design. Please, send me your entries / suggestions for the "Album of the ugly trains of the world" (past or present, paint scheme or shape). |