Gloom, despair, and agony on me! For the Toronto DI RTC, things went bad in a hurry. First, the CTC crossovers at Frauts (a few miles to the east) and Mcleod (just to the west) went down. After giving a pass-stop order to CN 331 at Frauts, they proceeded into the plant only to go into emergency, due to a bad hosebag about 40 cars back in the train (and tying up both mains in the process). Meanwhile, 330 was held at Frauts and VIA 76 at the depot for nearly an hour while the London trainmaster and carman drove out to find and fix the problem. What do I get out of all this? A nicely matched pair of widebodies working hard to make up for lost time. CN 434's crew has just come on duty (at right) and are performing a brake test.