Steamscape: Gold Hill. The V&T's morning train from Mound House to Virginia City has just passed Gold Hill Depot and is now climbing the grade toward Tunnel #4, which is just out of view to the right. This section of track is owned by the Gray family and was the first part of the line to be reconstructed, back in the 1970s. Even though the tracks had only been lifted a quarter century earlier, much had changed. One look around this photo should convince you that the land in the immediate vicinity of the ROW had been substantially altered by industrial and mining activity. Of the three tunnels that originally existed on the roughly two miles from Gold Hill to Virginia City, only one was able to be re-used and that was the afore-mentioned Tunnel #4. Tunnel #5 at the south end of Virginia City was by then, a highway overpass and significant excavation had to be done to make way for the rails beneath it. The remains of Tunnel #3 are actually in this photo, just above the first and second coaches. When the Grays attempted to clear that tunnel for use, it partially collapsed and further construction effort was deemed too risky. A decision was made to run the new line around the hill containing the old tunnel and the trackage you see behind the train was the result. In addition to the once daily round trips from Mound House to Virginia City, the V&T operates hourly trips on the short run to Gold Hill. It is a most interesting 30 minute train ride and well worth the modest fare to experience.