Good Light, Good Scenery, and a Train
Album created by member Lee Kirchhoff | Album Views: 64,276 | Landscape photography is difficult due to the challenge of combining good light and good scenery. Good railroad photography enters another level of complexity since it requires the first two while there is a train in view. |
Railway Glint Shots!
Album created by member Federico Santagati | Album Views: 56,459 | Everything about Railways with the Golden Reflection of the First and Last moments of Light.
Check the Flickr Group for more!
www.flickr.com/groups/railway_glint_shots |
Hall of Fame Photographs
Album created by member Steve Schmollinger | Album Views: 62,204 | Photos by some of the best railroad still photographers in North America. These photographers must have a significant impact on the art form and have been shooting (or shot in the past) for at least 10 years. |