In the wee hours of the morning of March 20, 1976, an eastbound manifest was climbing Newburg Grade at Austen, WV when the head end got into a wheel slip situation. Four SD35s on the rear shoved in the slack and derailed several empty tri-level auto racks. The cars didn't turn over and pretty much stayed in line with the track. Later in the day two GP9s were working on pulling the cars back on the track with rerailing frogs, while MofW employees work to correct what little damage was done. By the way, if that looks like a steam locomotive you can see through the auto rack, it was, a Shay if I am not incorrect. From what I was told, it was pulled from an old mining operation to the right and brought out to the B&O for shipment. In the years following this image, a major unit train coal mine was located close to the same location.
Photo albums dedicated to the Men, and Women that keep the Railroad running around the clock 365 days a year. From Dispatcher to Track Gangs, these are the people that make the railroad moves!
A tribute of appreciation to the workers who maintain the track, keeping our railways in shape regardless of weather and danger, and keeping them running effeciently.