One can only imagine what goes through the minds of passing motorists at the sight of Steam Into History's 10AM excursion charging over the stone arch that spans State Route 616, just south of Glen Rock, PA. I suspect that more than a few of those lucky folks have done double-takes, wondering if the "Twilight Zone's" Rod Serling is about to walk out from under the bridge. One could certainly think they'd driven through a time-warp because this is a scene that you cannot duplicate anywhere else....period. Those motorists had better not let their attention wander too much however, because the road under that overpass ahead is a ONE-LANE ROAD....and that fact surprises all but the locals. Railfans be forewarned. When chasing this train, there are TWO of these ONE-LANE underpases on Route 616, and the approaches to one of them are almost completely blind. Y'all be careful out there!