Empties from LG&E Cane Run shove around the loop at Armstrong Coal prior to loading. Before the "new" SD70MAC's came on the scene this job religiously ran with a mother/slug in the lead (for their slow speed control) and three or four geeps trailing. This one was no exception with PAL 2114 (slug), PAL 2113 (GP40-3), PAL 1998 (UK painted GP38-2), GMTX 2199 (GP38-2), GMTX 2661 (GP38-2), and GMTX 2628 (GP38-2). There was probably a more efficient way to haul those black diamonds, but these were fun coal-diddies! Especially when throttling off in the tunnel-cut at the top of Rosine Hill with your head out the window...
Crazy pool power consists, colorful gatherings of locomotives at a diesel service area, or a mixture of colorful locomotives in storage lines. A minimum of four different paint schemes required.