Colorful - Crazy - Consists
Album created by member James R Doughty | Album Views: 273,953 | Crazy pool power consists, colorful gatherings of locomotives at a diesel service area, or a mixture of colorful locomotives in storage lines. A minimum of four different paint schemes required. |
Urban and Industrial Rail
Album created by member David H | Album Views: 142,254 | Photographs where trains and people mix, weather it's street running, plant switching or carrying a unit grain train out of an elevator, it will be put here. |
Album created by member coco13cos | Album Views: 3,496,258 | Over 50.000 of RP's most appreciated and beautiful photos. |
Juniata Shops
Album created by member ckeefer58 | Album Views: 21,283 | Once the main shops of the mighty Pennsylvania RR, and now the main facility of modern Norfolk Southern, the Juniata Shops have been turning out some of the best locomotives and rebuilds for over 100 years. |