Viewing the forecast for the heavy overnight snow and blizzard conditions, I opted to head out to try and capture a shot that I've done a hundred times in daylight, but never at night. With steady snow having kicked in at around 2 inches per hour around the time of this photo, I wasn't worried about the St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railway train 'pushing' snow, but I wanted the classic crossing snowburst. It would be a bit tricky, as often with snowburst shots, you can click off 3 or 4 in daylight and choose the one you night, you have one click with a 3-5 second flash recycle time. Arriving in Milan, New Hampshire just minutes before the train (after doing a 'chase' from Island Pond, VT to this point) I opted for a simple two light setup and hoped for a lot of luck. As the train approached I set off the test flash and received the crew acknowledgement, then waited patiently. I watched the ditchlights closely as they opened up on the grade crossing, then just as they disappeared into the deeper snow again - click - voila... A night snowburst with the SLR eastbound train 394-30 with leader, Quebec-Gatineau Railway GP40-3 3105! Now on to some more interesting nighttime ideas...