Seitzville - Crossing Cordorus Creek. The Northern Central's Locomotive #17 "York" rumbles across the concrete and steel bridge spanning Cordorus Creek, on a cool, damp fall day.
The York 17 is a replica of an 1860s era, Rogers 4-4-0 American Standard Locomotive. She was built by the Kloke Locomotive Works in Elgin, IL in 2013 and delivered to the brand, new "Steam Into History" tourist operation in New Freedom, PA. York was built to public-domain specifications that were developed for the two National Park Service replica engines, that exist at the Golden Spike National Historic Site in Promontory, UT. The York is essentially a copy of the UP 119, but with some modifications such as a "Yankee-type" spark arrestor, so she would appear as a wood-burner. For safety, convenience and economic reasons, the engine actually burns waste oil. She operates on 10 miles of former Northern Central Railway trackage, from New Freedom, PA to Hanover Junction, PA.