Southern Pacific Streamliners
Album created by member Ellis Simon | Album Views: 13,310 | In the years after World War II Southern Pacific went from being the most bullish railroad on passenger service to one of its biggest detractors. It continually downgraded service until Amtrak took over what remained. |
Album created by member coco13cos | Album Views: 3,488,855 | Over 50.000 of RP's most appreciated and beautiful photos. |
Classic Railroading
Album created by member Chessiefan2 | Album Views: 638,911 | Railroading in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, basically anything but the 2000s. |
Cab Units
Album created by member Nathan Richters | Album Views: 396,748 | The best that the Streamlined Era had to offer, brought together in one handy album. Includes EMD, Alco, Baldwin, F-M, and GE - plus a few surprises. |