The brand new double deck long distance train ("FV-Dosto") for the SBB, RABe 502, in the Bombardier works Villeneuve during commissioning. Bombardier calls this 200 meter long 8 car trains for 200 km/h TWINDEXX Swiss Express. The aluminium body shells are built in Görlitz/Germany, the bogies come from Siegen/Germany, electric equipment from Västeras/Sweden, assembling of the intermediate cars and commissioning of the whole train is made in Villeneuve/Switzerland. This is the powered (two axles) first class end car At 94 85 1 502 204-4. The whole train has about 7500 kW, weighs about 450 tons and has 700 seats. The SBB gets 30 of this IR200, 23 of the IC200 version (with dining car and baggage compartment) and 9 shorter IR100 (4 cars).