Workin' On The Railroad
Album created by member KD Rail Photography | Album Views: 59,390 | Photo albums dedicated to the Men, and Women that keep the Railroad running around the clock 365 days a year. From Dispatcher to Track Gangs, these are the people that make the railroad moves! |
Rail Yards
Album created by member Torker | Album Views: 6,877 | A classification yard is a railway yard found at some freight train stations, used to separate railway cars on to one of several tracks. From there the cars are sent through a series of switches called a ladder onto the classification tracks. |
RR Workers
Album created by member Torker | Album Views: 18,841 | Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah, someone's in the kitchen I know-ow-ow.
This album includes pictures of individual traincrew members as well as MOW equipment. |