Water at Sublette. Here's a more conventional view of our D&RGW Flanger train arriving at Sublette. The water column at the west end of the complex is normally operational and is used daily by the passenger trains during the tourist season. When our charter arrived in the middle of March however, there was some question as to whether the standpipe here would be functional and able to fill the 487's tender. As a contingency, we did have a water car positioned behind the flanger, so there was no real concern about running out of water. Fortunately, when our Fireman, Carlos Llamas swung the pipe over 487's cistern and pulled the valve handle, he was rewarded by the sound of cool, clear water gushing out of the spout. We would not need to use the water in our tank car. The 487 would have plenty in her tender for the rest of the day.