In the mid-1980’s, the Susquehanna began running haulage trains between Little Ferry, New Jersey and Binghamton, New York. These trains, often running on weekends, became railfan events. When the word come out that this westbound SU-99 would have five Alco Centuries, four C430’s with a C420 added for good measure, the Southern Tier became the place to be. There were several stops due to some issues with the cantankerous Alcos, including this one at Hale Eddy, New York. Fortunately, the lead unit stopped about ten feet short of a huge shadow. The crewman walking back to have a look at the problem shoots a dirty look at the photographers capitalizing on his misfortune.
From a hint of "Bee" (NKP 765), colorful "Bees" (KCS), "Bees" w/ "attitude", to "Bees" that "sting" your eyes, in their own way they have "Bee" on display! Equipment that "Buzzes" with Yellow & Black colors! ("Bees" can still "Bee" entering this "hive"!)