GM-træf i Odense: meeting of GM locomotives in Odense. These GM locomotives were built under GM license by Nohab (Nydqvist og Holm AB in Trollhättan, Sweden for DSB, NSB and MÁV) and under sub license by AFB (Anglo Franco Belge in Belgium for NMBS / SNCB and CFL). From the left to the right MX 132 owned by the Dansk Jernbanemuseum (ex-DSB), MY 1101 owned by DSB museumstog, 1604 owned by SSMN (Services des Sites et Monuments Nationeaux, ex-CFL), 2761 017 owned by MÁV PMLI ( MÁV Pálya és Mérnöki Létesítmények Igazgatóság Technológiai Központ, ex M61 017), 202.020 owned by TSP / TPF( Toerisme en SpoorPatrimonium vzw, Patrimoine Ferroviaire et Tourisme asbl, ex-NMBS / SNCB), Di.3.616 owned by GM-Gruppen, ex-NSB).
Crazy pool power consists, colorful gatherings of locomotives at a diesel service area, or a mixture of colorful locomotives in storage lines. A minimum of four different paint schemes required.