After clearing singer road crossing the northbound empty Georgia Power Stilesboro train CSX N303-15 (Stilesboro,GA-Evansville,IN) slide in the siding at Florence (MP J-25.7 SE Florence) on an "Limited Approach" signal heading for the stop signal which is 3 miles north at the north-end of the Florence siding to meet the southbound hot Tote CSX Q125-16. The crew of this empty is about 26 or so rail-miles south from Kayne Ave on the Nashville Terminal SD which is the funnel of a big majority of CSX trackage that traverse through downtown Nashville, TN. Once the meet is complete, the siding will be line for the main, and the empty coal bucket will run to Kayne Ave, ending this inbound crew long 145+ miles journey from Chattanooga to the music city. the Outbound crew will handle this coal train back to Evansville, IN. Photo from the C. Bamberg Collection.