NS 60C (East Chicago,IN/IHB-Calvert,AL) is sitting tied down on receiving track 4 at Debutts Yard on this cold December night waiting for an outbound crew to go on duty to take the train to Birmingham. The Steel Slab train is bound for Outokumpu Stainless USA in southwest Alabama where the steel stable will be turned in stainless steel. The odd combination is the two head motor. NS 1030, and NS 1069 the Virginian Heritage Unit. Both Units had attend the 30th anniversary celebration Spencer, NC in 2012. 6 years later on a bitter cold night both motors are together again. Although the novelty look has faded a bit, it's still cool to see these two motors.
Railroading is a 24 hour a day business, that never sleep. From sunset to sunrise the railroad must run. These image are taken by some of the best rail photographer out their.
A continuously growing album of photos that IMHO reveal the awesome and seldom-seen beauty of the railroad world from the dimming of day to dawn's early light! From dusk to dawn, trains roll on! (I'm still finding gems of sunset-to-sunrise surprises!)