Album created by member Nathan Richters | Album Views: 183,401 | Some trains just have an especially futuristic look to them. |
Siemens EuroSprinter family
Album created by member Minyo Anzelm | Album Views: 76,599 | Nearly a thousand pictures of Siemens ever built engines of the EuroSprinter and EuroRunner family as the ES1, ES64U2, ES64U4, ES64F4 and the ER20, etc.
Join us on flickr too!
https://www.flickr.com/groups/siemens_loks/ |
UGLIEST trains contest
Album created by member RP Archives | Album Views: 265,302 | The worst of railroad design. Please, send me your entries / suggestions for the "Album of the ugly trains of the world" (past or present, paint scheme or shape). |