Re 421 # 373 (former SBB Cargo) and Re 430 # 112 (former Crossrail) of the Widmer Rail Services (WRS) in multiple control are pulling gasoline train 69635 from Basel Kleinhüningen harbour via Bözberg-Zürich Altstetten-Kloten to Schwarzenbach (Halter fuel depot), between Winterthur and Winterthur Grüze. The Re 430 # 112 was built as Re 4/4 III # 112 by SLM and BBC, MFO and SAAS in 1969 for the Emmental-Burgdorf-Thun Bahn (EBT), ran for the Regionalverkehr Mittelland (RM), later for Crossrail designated Re 436 # 112.