Right Turn: NJT 4101, an old ex-CNJ Geep (ex-CNJ 3672), is serving as power for a weekday Bay Street Shuttle. Here, it takes a "right turn" away from the original Montclair Branch track alignment that led into the former Montclair Terminal. The new alignment, built in 1981, leads the train into its terminus point: Bay Street Train Station. At Bay Street Train Station is the Montclair Connection, built in 2002, to the NYGL section of the Boonton Line. All of these connections/realignments (plus one more in Wayne, NJ to the original Erie Boonton Line) constitute today's Montclair/Boonton Line. Typically, the Bay Street Shuttle is a weekend service, but here, NJ Transit downgraded service on this day to limited service on the line due to a snow storm.