A new "Capricorn" trainset ABe 4/16 # 3111 of the Rhaetian Railway is running the Regio Express 1031 from Landquart to Davos Platz, between Davos Laret and Davos Wolfgang. # 3111 is the first and only "Capricorn" which was babtized already, to the name of "Piz Ela". All "Capricorns" will get names of mountains of the canton Grisons (Graubünden), the choice is more then sufficient. The RhB ordered 56 of this trains from StadlerRail, more then 10 are delivered already. With the automatic coupler, they are intended for "portion working" (Flügelzugbetrieb), trains will be divided or coupled together in Klosters for example. Capricorn is called both in English and Rhaeto-Romanic, the language spoken in parts of Graubünden, Steinbock (capra ibex), although the animal is also called "macun" or "Stambuoch" in parts of Graubünden. The capra ibex or Capricorn had been exterminated by hunting until the 17th century and was not resettled in the canton of Graubünden until around 1920. Through initially targeted breeding programs, the population in the canton Graubünden has meanwhile increased to approximately 6000. The 56 ordered red "Capricorns" (capra ibexes) of the RhB will conquer almost all valleys of Graubünden that are accessible by rail in the next few years. Exceptions are the Bernina line (power system 1000 V DC) and probably the Albula line between Thusis and Bever as well as the Schanfigg (Chur-Arosa).