Front cab of the "Rotary" steam snow blower R # 12, built by the SLM in 1913 for the Rhaetian Railway, main network (Xrot d # 9212). This not self propelled vehicle, but with an auxiliary small steam drive for maneuvering, is now pefectly renovated and operational for the Dampfbahn Furka Bergstrecke (DFB) by the R 12 team of Martin Horath. We have a look in the front cab, where the snow blower is operated. Up in the middle the steam pressure/boiler manometer, which shows 12 bar (maximum is 13 bar). On the left of the right, open front window is the throttle, with a shaft on top under the roof to the regulator. There is a double indicator for vacuum brake of blower and cars. And a small indicator "TEL" for the velocity.