Seitzville southbound. The Northern Central Railway's locomotive "York 17" hauls a passenger train south along Cordorus Creek in the borough of Seitzville, Pennsylvania on a sunny fall day. On this particular day, the train was performing for a group of photographers and videographers as part of a photo shoot organized by Dynamo Productions.
As one of America's newest tourist railroads, the Northern Central is rather unique in that it not only offers a scenic excursion, but it also attempts to replicate rail transportation in the Civil War era on trackage that literally dates back to the mid-1800s. It does this with a replica American Standard Locomotive, custom built in 2013 by the Kloke Locomotive Works in Elgin, IL, and a 4-car replica 1860s style passenger consist. Although the equipment is not completely authentic for the mid-1860s period for practical reasons, it is close enough that the vast majority of riders and spectators don't realize it's not 150 years old. The train certainly gets a lot of double-takes from motorists passing through the area, when they encounter it at grade crossings.....all of which are flagged for safety by railroad personnel.