A Martin Lake empty coal train has a good roll on them as they pass thru De Queen with a KCS leader. The train is at D&E Connection between north and south De Queen. This control point is jacked up. Most think the double signals are for the main/siding we are looking at. You are not correct, The right signal controls the connection track. 1st off to have a controlled switch (on the main) that leads into into a hand throw switch in a crossover is odd. Then the hand throw is north of the absolute signals, and the red is offset to the siding too. Guess somewhere in that connection track is the bonds for the absolute? Seen a train go south on the siding here and not get a light, so I'm confined in this assessment, although I had to stare at this for awhile! Antique railroading here...crazy to see the old signals here though, as they were the only ones!!!!!