Metroliner By The Semaphore. On March 2, 2023, U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Railroad Administration DOTX 216 was being switched out by the Morristown & Erie Railway in Whippany, New Jersey while visiting for mechanical work. This car, built by Budd in 1967 as Penn Central 803, was later converted to Amtrak 9642. The DOT states that "supplement track geometry inspections performed by the Office of Safety cars". In the background sits former Central Railroad of New Jersey "NE" caboose CNJ 91529. The caboose would survive on the active roster until 1985 and came to Whippany in 1986. It was restored and today is part of the Whippany Railway Museum's caboose hop trains. The semaphore is a transplant by the museum from the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad.