Life Saver On The River Sub. On Sunday, July 16, 2023, CSXT 4568 (née-CSXT 768, SD70MAC, 3/2000) led CSX train M404-15 to Selkirk, seen on the Hudson River near Tomkins Cove in Stony Point, New York, while wearing its special paint scheme to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Operation Lifesaver. The unit was painted in the CSX shops in Huntington, West Virginia the previous autumn. Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI) began in 1972 "with the goal to reduce railroad-related collisions, deaths and injuries across the United States, utilizing the '3 E’s – Education, Engineering and Enforcement.'” While there has been an 84% reduction in railroad crossing incidents from 1972 until 2020, OLI is not resting on their laurels and continues to send members into the field to teach everyone from school groups to law enforcement.
just heritage schemes, not just commemorative schemes - this album is devoted to some of the world's most interesting paint schemes, past or present.