Mott Haven Memories. The scene looked quite different from present day when CSX crew B949 brought the outlawed Q431 south from Croton West Yard to Oak Point on Sunday April 3, 2016 with CSXT SD40-2s 8836 (née-Conrail 6460) and 8833 (née-Conrail 6442) leading on the Oak Point Link in the Bronx, New York. While the occasional EMD will still sometimes lead this normally nocturnal train, a matched pair is now rare. The small industrial facility to the right has since been razed and replaced with a cluster of high-rise residential buildings as the Mott Haven area is undergoing significant changes. Familiar landmarks here include the Oak Point Link itself, which is a 1.9 mile rail routing over the Harlem River and the MTA Metro-North Railroad Harlem River Lift Bridge.