The train of the Swiss Dining Car Company (SSG), based in eastern Switzerland in the Frauenfeld area, had been up for sale for some time. Now the train has been moved to western Switzerland, it is now registered under Swisstrain (Christophe Bachmann) and is currently parked in Vallorbe. Various journeys have already been made from Lausanne via Bern-Thun to Interlaken Ost and back. New owner of the train is Marc-André Theotiste and the journeys seem to have taken place more or less without passengers. On August 5, 2024, the train with the Re 456 # 111 and the coaches BDomsb 56 80 84-80 054-5 "Frauenfeld", WRm 56 80 88-70 106-1 "Lugano, WRm 56 80 85-95 153-7 "Chur" and BRDpm 56 80 86-95 134-6 "Interlaken" is on its way as train 31013 from Lausanne via Bern to Interlaken Ost, on Lake Thun between Gwatt and Spiez. The train was stuck before at Siviriez for about an hour, on the return journey again at Därligen and the return journey was only as far as Thun. The following day, it was towed to Vallorbe by an SBB Re 4/4 II.