Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe No. 664 is a 2-8-0 Consolidation and was built in 1899 by Baldwin. It has 21" x 28" cylinders, weighs 70 tons, has 57" drivers, and is 67' 4" long. This oil burner was originally numbered No. 891. More importantly from an operational point of view was that the locomotive was converted to super heating. This can be ascertained by seeing that piston valves have replaced the original slide valves. This was done since the locomotive was converted to superheating and it's impossible to properly lubricate slide valves on a super heated locomotive. No. 664 worked freight trains in Texas, Oklahoma on the Santa Fe's Northern, Southern, Panhandle, Plains and Gulf Divisions. Other than the piston valve replacement, No. 664's appearance has changed little in it's 55 years career. She retired with her head held high since she was listed still in active service when donated to Travel Town in 1953.