Friends of Don (Delaware Lackawanna's ALCOs)
Album created by member Lester Zmudzinski | Album Views: 15,123 | Don Colangelo, retired CMO (and sometimes piano player) at the DL Scranton shops cared for the many ALCOs, MLWs and a few EMDs that passed in and out of South Scranton and Von Storch shop doors.
Here is a look and many of those units. |
ALCOs of New York
Album created by member Lester Zmudzinski | Album Views: 26,710 | New York state has the largest number of ALCO diesel locomotives working in everyday service. Here are some of them. Soon I hope to chronicle all of them. |
ALCo World
Album created by member Rolf Stumpf | Album Views: 241,770 | A world-spanning collection of diesel locomotives from ALCo, MLW and Bombardier. |