Tier IV Compliant
Album created by member John Westfield | Album Views: 38,106 | Tier IV locomotives are the safest, cleanest, and most fuel efficient locomotives on the rails today. Unfortunately, most of them are ugly and are as quiet as an ACS-64. |
Wide Cab Locomotives
Album created by member John Westfield | Album Views: 144,083 | Replacing older standard cab locomotives, Wide Cab Locomotives provide crews with better comfort and safety. |
Album created by member Torker | Album Views: 12,195 | Containers or trailers on either flat cars or in well cars. |
General Electric Safety Cab Locomotives
Album created by member Torker | Album Views: 50,314 | GE manufactured safety cab locomotives, refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_GE_locomotives for a complete list.
NOTE: This album includes photos of modern GE passenger locos. |