The Blonay-Chamby Railroad Museum is celebrating 50 years of service, it was the first museum railway of Switzerland. 5 steamlocomotives were invited as guests for the celebration, another 5 staemlocomotives are operational for the Blonay-Chamby. G 3/3 # 5 "Bercher" from 1890 of the BC, former Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher, is leaving Blonay together with guest streetcar locomotive G 3/3 # 60 "La Ferté-Bernard" (built 1898 by Blanc-Misseron) of the Tramways de la Sarthe/France, now running for the "Le Musée des Tramways à Vapeur et des chemins de fer Secondaires français (MTVS)" (museum of steam streetcars and branch lines), about 30 kilometer north of Paris.