HectorRail 251.011+008 - Nossen
Since the year 2018 the freight services between Rhäsa, Nossen and Stendell has been dispatched by HectorRail instead of DB Cargo. Since then there is no more Gravita or Ludmilla Locomotive in front of this trains, but the former for the Norwegian State Railways (NSB) built Di 6 locomotive. These are built by MaK Kiel back in 1996 and after a long story of unsatisfiedness of the NSB they returned to Germany and has been used a lot for passenger services by the Nord-Ostsee-Bahn (NOB) between Hamburg and Westerland. The machines were designated DE 2700 01-12 back then. Now they has been sold to many private operators like HectorRail, who renumbered them 861.001 "Thor" (NVR Number 251.011) and 861.002 "Hulk" (NVR Numver 251.008). In the picture you can see both of them hauling the empty cars from Rhäsa entering Nossen Station.