Re 420 # 342 (Re 4/4 II # 11342) and Re 620 # 017 "Heerbrugg" (Re 6/6 # 11617) of the SBB in multiple control, running as "Re 10/10" for SBB Cargo International, are pulling the very colorful northbound intermodal train 43742 from Novara Boschetto/Italy via Simplon-Lötschberg-Basel to Köln Eifeltor/Germany, through the "Grafeschüre" curve between Burgdorf and Wynigen. The locomotives are in charge from Domodossola freight yard til Basel SBB shunting yard. There are only very few "Re 10/10" in the transit freight business, most trains are pulled now by locomotives capable and approved for Germany and Italy too. The train is running exceptionally on the right instead of the left track.