Another empty coal train eases its way down the famous Crawford Hill. The property owners were gracious enough to allow my crew to camp on their track-side property with one warning… cows.
After hiking about a mile and wondering for a few hours looking for a good camp site, we set up with just enough time to see a few trains and watch the sunset. What we thought would be a peaceful night turned out to be the worst nights sleep I’ve ever had. Little did we know that the weather in this area can be quite unpredictable. Our night consisted of hail storm after hail storm. Thankfully, the worst that happened to us was a few wet pieces of clothing. The next morning, the landlords checked in on us and warned us that more storms were on the way for the next evening, so we decided to tear down camp and stay in a nearby hotel. Although the only risk we signed up for was an encounter with cattle, sometimes the risks find you first, and sometimes those risks produce exciting results.
A continuously growing album of photos that IMHO reveal the awesome and seldom-seen beauty of the railroad world from the dimming of day to dawn's early light! From dusk to dawn, trains roll on! (I'm still finding gems of sunset-to-sunrise surprises!)