BNSF train H-PVOLIN1-21A, a High Priority Merchandise train heading to Lincoln, Nebraska, from Provo, Utah, is already 10 hours 48 minutes behind schedule, giving one pause as to what the railroad actually considers "High Priority Merchandise." Plus, it appears that this train is not going to continue eastward anytime soon, as the two diesels (BNSF Dash 9-44CW 5102 up front, and ET33C4 3993 on the rear) are shut down and the 99-car train has been broken in two so as to not block this tiny town's only grade crossing (Porter Avenue/Haigler Road). This train could not even travel between Denver CO and McCook NE – roughly 260 miles – without the crew's hours of service expiring! (Haigler, Nebraska – July 25, 2024)