Great shot George, excellent use of your surroundings! This philosophy is all too true in our hobby!
Would have been fitting to catch a switcher or small Geep, but I like it nonetheless! Excellent composition.
Very nice shot, George! Andrew is right, a switcher or other small loco would've fit perfectly! Any way you look at it, fantastic shot!
Posted by on April 7, 2008 | |
That's a really nice shot, George. And the sign is especially true for we ralfans. I also disagree that the loco should have/could have been a switcher or a Geep. The sign says to find joy in the little things such as a passing train, the sounds, the smells, everything, not just to care about what is on point. Great shot. Would have been a PCA had I found it in time. -- Joe H.
Fantastic shot!