Incredible shot!
Posted by on October 24, 2008 | |
PCA + Favorite from me - great shot.
This is quite a refreshing image, Barry. Nice image.
Posted by - on October 24, 2008 | |
PCA, favorite. Spectacular photo, Barry!
Stunning shot. Would be a great for a calendar or a book about trains.
Posted by on October 24, 2008 | |
That's truly a beautiful shot. I like the symmetry. I suppose that the location is between Rock Island and Weiser and this is the Snake River.
Posted by on October 24, 2008 | |
... and the train is most probably in Idaho
Dang thats a nice chrome, Well worth the time to up lode thanks
Great shot! It's hard to find water that flat in the lower 48. Just the right amount of sunlight and color, it was your luck day. This is very good work.
Very Nice ! and lucky, the wind is always howling here when I`ve been through.
Spectacular shot! PCA from me as well.
PCA vote from me.
Posted by M.G. on November 4, 2008 | |
Great shot Barry.
Barry, it looks like your train is travelling over a large mirror. Wonderful looking image.
Incredible symmetrical picture. The water is the Snake River which is the Idaho/Oregon border(the train is on the Idaho side). The area where this picture was taken is between Exits 353 and 356 along Interstate 84. I have traversed this area a lot as a professional truck driver.