This looks somewhat similar to the Clinchfield's "One Spot" and she was built in 1882. This has "Rogers" on the valve chest. Does anyone know when Rogers went out of business. The 1403 has a tank in its tender so probably was converted to run on oil. I bet the gang with the torch knew what to do with that bell !
What a heartbreak! In the year of 2008 an 1800's Rogers locomotive being cut up. Thanks (I think) for showing us. A very surreal picture.
It looks more like a model than a real steamengine - tell us the real story, Dave
It is a real engine - I've slightly blurred the background, purely to bring out the subject in the foreground. It was taken through a fence in an enclosure; I had one chance at it. The loco probably doesn't exist any more (if anyone knows different I'd love to hear).
There's a picture of the same engine here (not one of mine) in happier days, only 2 years previously.
The perspective looks so wrong. What a fantastic surrealistic photo. And yes it is sad that she is being torched.
Rogers produced their first locomotive in 1837. They made it as an independent company untill about 1903 when it was bought by Alco. The plant was kept in operation building light contractors' engines, export locos, steam shovels, and rotary snowplows untill 1913.