Very nice... I didn't realize their track was this overgrown.
Posted by The Wolf on September 20, 2009 | |
That must be one heck of a ride along those tracks. A fully loaded tanker would tend too bring the heart to stop and a few tense moments I am sure. Whats the limit, 5 MPH.
Great shot, but my teeth shivered a bit when looking at those rails and reading the words "ethanol loads"
I don't think I'd want to be in the cab, considering how uneven that track is.
Posted by docslimm on September 20, 2009 | |
I hear James Bond saying shaken, not stirred. This shot reminds me of my truck driving days though, thanks for the memories and great capture
Even hazmat isn't much of a hazard at 5, 10 MPH. A derailment at that speed isn't very likely to overturn, accordion, or puncture a tank.
Great shot! Very good use of the sun.
Boy you are right, you did get some nice stuff on Friday. Hopefully I can get out there and do the same. Nice shot!
I've seen trains in fields, but this is rediculous. Excellent shot.
John, I was going to comment on how much I liked this photo before. Glad to see it is POW.
Posted by M.G. on September 23, 2009 | |
Wow, that is bumpy ride.
Great shot John.
Spaghetti Rail.
Gives new meaning to the phrase "Rock & Roll"! Congratulations on POTW John, well deserved.
They need a major track repair job.
Somebody call MOW 911! Wow if I came across those tracks I would have sworn they were out of service!
Awesome shot. I'd like to see a video of this line to see how much the train rocks.
What is the speed limit on the line?
Its hard to believe those tracks are even capable of supporting 100s of tons of locomotive and freight cars. Nice shot.
Great shot! The trackage doesn't seem to be able to support any heavy freight....but the overgrown grass on the track adds a better touch to the photo.