Posted by Brian Hiscock on April 18, 2010 
Anyone else notice the stop sign? She'd be in real trouble too, if the truck stalled.
Posted by Joe Leftley on April 19, 2010 
Now theres a candidate for the Darwin Award. I have a crossing near my home with a stop sign controlling traffic, and its regularily run. Its only a matter of time that someone will cut accross the tracks at the wrong time and they will get hurt or worse. I wonder if this lady realizes how lucky she is, since a meeting like this usually doesnt fare well for the truck.
Posted by Thomas on April 19, 2010 
This is a perfect definition of the word airhead. It wouldn't surprise me if she had a child strapped in there somewhere also.
Posted by omahadivision on April 19, 2010 
Obviously not a railfan. I always race to be the first car stopped at the crossing!
Posted by Travis Dewitz on April 19, 2010 
Great light!
Posted by Jim Meade on April 21, 2010 
I love the heat signature above the locomotive..
Posted by canrael on April 21, 2010 
It is a well known fact that the police; of all types, Fed State and local, do not enforce traffic laws unles there has been a crash. The idiot behind the wheel of the trck is well aware of this. She will be the first in line to sue if her dumd headed action wre to cause the train to demolish hertruck. The only beneficeries are the LAWYERS! Totrt reform anyone?
Posted by William J. Spitzer on April 21, 2010 
Not true about LEO's. We write um as we see um. remember this is a difficult ticket to write. Most of the time they are mailed a ticket. several years ago we put an officer on the train in Winona, MN and caught about 11 violators!
Posted by Jackson Knudson on July 7, 2010 
I agree with you on that one Omahadivison. Utter idiocity. I remember railfanning near that spot, those trains move! Awesome photo nonetheless Josh!
Posted by Jackson Knudson on October 27, 2011 
Notice the expression of both crew members in the cab. Not one hint of hesitation, fear, or apprehension... Unfortunately these instances occur all too often. I wouldn't be surprised is they both have a few deaths under their belts, caused only by the ignorance, recklessness, and incompetence of those who feel the need to beat the train...
Posted by MNRailfan02 on July 25, 2015 
Idiots in Minnesota. Typical
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