Posted by thewiz on May 1, 2010 | |
I reckon the product of this distillery would have some marketing problems in Germany. I didn't think the railway even ran to Collingwood any more!
I'm pretty sure Germany is not part of their marketing strategy to begin with, and regardless I have no clue what relevance Germany might have to this picture or the distillery's product - is there something obvious that I'm just not getting? As for not realizing the railway still ran to Collingwood, I can understand that as the tracks past this spur and into town (where they once served the shipyards) and beyond to Meaford have been ripped up and turned into the Georgian Trail. BCRY makes two runs a week to this end of the line, and three the other way into Barrie (Allandale).
Why is collngwood railroad-unfriendly? I think the past mayor, along with Barrie's mayor, was excited to keep the line open, that was more than several years ago now though and memories are short in politics.
According to a railfan from there I was talking to at Washago a short while ago, the present mayor is the prime culprit. Something about tourism over industry and just plain not wanting trains in his town.
Note to thewiz; I Googled "mist" and "german" and it came back as dung, mung or something of that ilk so I now understand what you were talking about. Still I don't think they really give a "mist"!