Posted by Mitch Goldman on September 3, 2010 
Jason Shron of Rapido Trains (a Canadian company that produced the first ever RTR HO UA Turbo Train in HO, in addition to the soon to be introduced LRC's) spearheaded the effort to purchase this from VIA ensuring future generations a chance to see this unique part of both Canadian and American high(er) speed rail. Funding is now being raised to move the functioning unit to the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre at the John Street Roundhouse in downtown Toronto. However, because where it sits is not connected to the main line, the move must be made by truck. For more to the story HERE and consider helping out!
Posted by Brian Hiscock on September 3, 2010 
A VIA hogger was telling me how great they were. Comfortable, rugged and could FLY!!! Some of them I had the misfortune of seeing at IRSI in Moncton being chopped up, some not even 20 years old.
Posted by Bicot (Marc Caya) on September 4, 2010 
Some clarifications concerning this LRC: it was transfered from the VIA MMC to the Canadian Railway Museum by rail in 2004 and is not the one Mitch is talking about. 6917 is the one just saved. It is parked at VIA's Toronto MC. I'm proud to say I've contributed my little share to save it... Plans are to move the LRC by truck to the Toronto Railway Heritage Centre at the John Street Roundhouse in downtown Toronto. While funds are being found, the 6917 may be transfered to a shortline's yard, free of charge. After some cosmetics done, they may offer rides on the LRC to raise more funds; you can bet I'll be first in line!
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