Posted by csxlover on March 15, 2011 
In the words of Mr. Magoo, Greg "you've done it again." Its been awhile since we have seen pictures of the Long Bridge in the database, and about time too. This bridge is one of many structures that will be disappearing from CSX in a short while thanks to the National Gateway Project which is meant to further the movement of double stacks to and from the the midwest and the east. For those of you not familiar with the area, this structure also has a great deal of history under its belt. It was part of the southern terminus of the Pennsy's electrification when Pot Yard was a 24hr business venture. It lasted into the early 80s when Conrail removed the catenary south of Benning, barring both the loss of money and an incident when some 4th of July reveler was filled with too much liquid courage climbed a boxcar in L'Enfant Plaza and succeded in killing himself after touching one of the wires. The bridge was also a witness to the Air Florida Flight 90 incident in 82. That bridge is directly behind that and the metro bridge out of view in this picture.
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