Another nicely composed photograph breaking away from the traditional three quarter wedgie. Well done!
Terrific idea, well executed.
Did you sand the door just for the photo op?
Nice work!
Knock, knock!!
Refreshing to see something that isn't a sunny-day wedgie or "calendar shot" of little substance. Great eye and wonderful execution.
I appreciate it Blair and folks, the last 5 of 10 shots I've submitted were of the same caliber.. Detail, shots that make you think. Shots that leave something to the imagination... Unfortunately aesthetic quality as defined by this site, leave's NOTHING to the imagination.. It's amazing, this one squeaked thru.... Have another helping of bright colorful wedges folks!
This is simply remarkable....really grabs you. I am VERY impressed and this is one of those shots I can say that I wish I had taken...Well done!
Posted by Jake B. on November 5, 2011 | |
Cool concept. I didn't exactly know what I was looking at until I opened it up, but it is incredible at full size. Very well done!
Posted by on November 6, 2011 | |
Great shot. PCA from me. The texture in this shot is awesome!