Posted by Michael Harding on February 1, 2013 
Now I know why Tom doesn't have a shot of Trout swimming by his camera underwater - you put 'em on ice! That's some cold photography there... ;) Nice shot!
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on February 1, 2013 
Very nice local color, the fish look great!
Posted by Jim Thias on February 1, 2013 
Great "catch," Mike!
Posted by Temuulen.B on February 1, 2013 
Posted by Les on February 2, 2013 
Great shot. I can just taste those yummy trout. There are some lakes up here in Northern Ontario that I have caught trout like these but without the chance of seeing trains.
Posted by Carl Massart on February 2, 2013 
I think you have a shot of this area from all of the 4 Seasons. If that was a young boy, where do you think he would be looking? His fishing pole or the engine? Survey says...
Posted by Allen Stark on February 3, 2013 
Wow, this is a really great shot. The photo explains a lot to me.
Posted by EL ROCO Photography on February 5, 2013 
No beer cans? How can you ice fish without beer? Great shot, I like the fish better than the train.
Posted by Eric Williams on February 6, 2013 
No caption needed on this great shot! Everything to tell the story is there with the exception of a few cold ones on ice.
Posted by Kevin Willie on February 6, 2013 
Great Picture!
Posted by Jeff Swanson on February 6, 2013 
Not sure about the survey, but I believe the photo say's the 'boy' is a girl... ;)
Posted by Bill Edgar on February 6, 2013 
Fabulous Mike! Hope you guys got to fry up a couple of those trout.
Posted by Greg MacLeod on February 9, 2013 
I'm not sure if this picture makes me want to go fishing or train watching more. Appears you managed to do both at one. Nice work!
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