During the early days of Brittish Rails they did not think much about creature comforts for their engine crews. Where are the seats..uh.. you mean those steel toolbox covers are the seats? Where are the sides and back of the cabs, you know, to keep out the elements? Must be they only ran on clear dry days.
Posted by Tugboat on September 12, 2013 | |
Why on earth is he leaving the fire door open? Very hard on the boiler, not to mention it kills the heat off the fire.
Regarding the lack of comfort: my understanding is management thought if the men to too coddled, they would slack off and fall asleep and on the crew side, they thought being in the elements proved you were a man. Regarding the fire, my guess why the fire door is open is that he has loaded the box with coal and wants to prevent the safety valve from lifting and losing too much steam just prior to departure. Besides, it makes a better picture!